
林豪鏘 國立臺南大學數位學習科技系教授兼系主任 臺灣科技藝術教育協會理事長 科技部科學教育實作學門複審委員 中華民國資訊管理學會理事 科技部科教司資教學門 IDOLS SIG 召集人 希拉亞文化協會發起人/監事 臺灣數位學習與內容學會監事 [經歷] 國立臺南大學學務長 國立臺北商業大學創新經營學院院長 臺灣科技藝術學會副理事長 中華民國數位內容學會常務理事 ISAC中華民國大專校院資訊服務協會理事 中華民國視覺藝術協會理事 財團法人國立臺南大學校務發展文教基金會董事 臺南市數位科技發展學會理事

2009年6月1日 星期一

IT Outsourcing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications

IT Outsourcing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications

(4 Volumes)

Edited By: Kirk St.Amant, East Carolina University, USA


Examining the ideas and approaches necessary in deciding to outsource services and functions is a crucial assessment for any company.

IT Outsourcing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications covers a wide range of topics involved in the outsourcing of information technology through state-of-the-art collaborations of international field experts. An enriched set of the latest cutting-edge applications, technological discoveries, and foremost research theories, this exhaustive compendium advances the IT outsourcing field and provides academicians, practitioners, and researchers with a unique collection of industry solutions.

Source: www.igi-global.com

Examining the ideas and approaches necessary in deciding to outsource services and functions is a crucial assessment for any company.

Source: www.igi-global.com

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